Safety Is Our Number One Concern
Mobility Access Options NW, Inc. – COVID-19 Policy (updated 5/12/20)
We understand that many of our customers are exactly the population most at risk from COVID-19, and therefore we have an obligation to be extra diligent in being careful to not transmit this virus.
We also understand we provide essential services to support our customers with disabilities that cannot be simply put on hold until this pandemic has subsided. We are open! Our team will follow the procedures listed below.
- All team members must follow all CDC guidance regarding COVID-19 such as social distancing (remaining 6 ft apart from others) and washing hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
- Any team member who may have any of the symptoms associated with this virus (such as: fever, cough, shortness of breath) will not be working nor will they be in contact with any other member of our team.
- Any team member who, to their knowledge, has come in contact with someone who has, or they believe may have COVID -19, will similarly not be working nor will they be in contact with any other member of our team.
- At this time, we will avoid all nonessential visits (such as annual maintenance) and to the extent possible will try to walk through and resolve service issues on the phone (at no charge).
- If we must visit your home, our team members will use a hand sanitizer or other disinfectant on their hands prior to entering and again on leaving the home.
- Additionally, our team members will use a disinfectant on any demo products and/or tools they typically bring into a customer home.
- Our team members will avoid shaking a customer’s hand and will try to maintain social distancing to the highest degree possible.
- Our staff will avoid contact with items in the home as much as possible and will ask the customer to avoid contact with any tools or equipment we bring into the home.
- We will use disinfectant on the surfaces of the mobility equipment we have installed or serviced.
- We also request that any customer tell us if any member of their household have COVID-19 symptoms or has been in contact with someone who has COVID-19. This information we are requesting is considered to be personal health information and therefore is protected. The customer need not provide such information; however, should the customer not provide such information our team members will not enter the home for any service or installation.
- We suggest any family with a particularly vulnerable member of their household keep that member away from any visitor to their home (including us) and the other household members wash their hands after any visitor (including us) have left.
Our first objective is the safety of our customers and our own staff but despite the above, it is impossible for anyone to guarantee not transmitting this virus.
We may update this at any time as the circumstances change.
Feel free to call and ask to speak to us directly regarding any of the above at 971-304-7464
Jody Schwalk-Burke – Office Manager – Mobility Access Options NW, Inc.